Practicing Mindfulness with Chair Yoga

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Many of us spend a lot of time in front of a computer, especially since COVID. Or we rush around all day long without taking a break and doing something that’s beneficial for ourselves.

Below is a PDF of a chair yoga routine that I created to help you relax and re-focus. Yoga is also an exercise that helps to train your brain to be “mindful”. Being mindful means to notice whatever arises, without judgment.

The routine can be done anywhere in the home or office, so long as you have a good, sturdy chair! I do not recommend trying this if your chair has wheels. Also, like any exercise routine, if you experience any pain, stop whatever you’re doing! If you have any concerns about starting an exercise routine, please check in first with your doctor.

As you practice the routine, just notice what it feels like in the body. Or, you can also bring your attention to focus on your breath. Breathe in and out through the nose. Pay attention if your mind wanders and then bring your attention back to focus on the body or the breath. Try not to judge anything that you notice. Doing this exercise is a practice in “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is a skill that is beneficial for everyone. It helps you focus, reduce stress, and release unhelpful patterns of thinking.

I hope you find the exercise routine I’ve provided is beneficial for you!

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